

Music App Mobile Design





Music App Mobile Design

About project

A music service is a unique tool that can become a faithful companion in the everyday life of every person.

Project Goal

Create a music player to listen to tracks, charts and search for clips.

Sonic Sound is a music service for listening to tracks, albums, charts and unique selections.
The application offers an extensive library of music from various genres and artists.

Conduct an analysis of competitors, find shortcomings, create advantages, and make the user journey convenient.



During development, the application went through various stages

Starting from the research stage and ending with the last stage of review, the emphasis was placed on improving the user experience with the product.


Design is about more than just aesthetics—it's about creating meaningful experiences that connect users with the product. In my work on SonicSound, I focused on building an interface that not only looks beautiful but also feels natural and intuitive to use. Every design decision, from the color palette to the navigation flow, was made with the goal of ensuring users can enjoy their music without distractions and easily discover new tracks, albums, and artists.

Typography and Colors

Mohammed Aymen Kharoubi